
Two years...

Two years… Today is September 11, 2023. Of course, I’ll always remember 9/11/01, but something else happened on 9/11 that I’ll always remember. On 9/11/21, I had to dial 911 for Kathy Jacob. Yeah, ironic, I dialed 911 on 9/11, just like thousands of people did on 9/11/01. I originally sat down to write this out just a few days ago. I couldn’t think exactly what I really wanted to say then and I don’t think I know what I really want to say now. The second anniversary of Kathy’s passing is coming up on 9/23. I am not the same man I was back then. I am not the same man I was on 9/22, nor am I the same man I was on 9/24. Just like 9/11/01 there are many things that are seared into my mind about 9/11/21 and the days following. There are also many things etched into my mind about 9/23 and there are many things that are still fuzzy to this day. On 9/11/21, Kathy was admitted to Warren Memorial Hospital (which is less than a mile from our house) and then later transferred to the ICU at Winche